About Troop 485
Boy Scouts in Troop 485 enjoys camping and activities like bicycle treks, canoeing and hiking!
We have regular meetings where we practice for our big outings by doing first aid, wilderness survival, and earn ranks.
Our meetings are usually held at St. Joseph in Wauwatosa, usually in the school hall but sometimes in other rooms in the school or parish center.
Along with learning skills through the Merit Badge process, our Scouts leader valuable leadership skills and are instilled with good character.
Each summer, we go on a weeklong camping trip to a Scout camp in northern Wisconsin. The trip is a great opportunity for boys to earn
Merit Badges, learn outdoor skills, and just have a great time with Scouts.
Our troop is open to boys throughout the western metro Milwaukee area who are 11 through 17 years old, have earned their Arrow of
Light [Cub Scouting award], or have completed the fifth grade.
Our Scouts regularly attain the rank of Eagle Scout.
We are in the Iron Horse District of the Three Harbors Council. The council was formed in 2011 from the merger of the Milwaukee County Council and the Southeast Wisconsin Council that served Kenosha and Racine counties.